A couple of months ago I was told I had sudden bone loss in my lower mouth area, which was why my lower teeth shifted so drastically practically overnight. I immediately started increasing my supplement intake, incorporating a host of supplements that boast re-growing or reconstruction of bone. This includes a D/K supplement, a colostrum powder made into a drink, something called Bone Regrowth and a Teeth and Gum supplement, as well as calcium. A couple of days ago I was fitted for my Invisalign trays. I’ll have to keep the trays in for about two years or so and it’s going to cost thousands of dollars. When putting on Invisalign trays, the technician has to polish and sort of “sand down” your teeth then install these nodes or buttons and when the trays fit over your teeth, it’s very tight: difficult to remove the trays and put them back on. Over time, the pressure applied to the buttons on the teeth – which feel like sharp little bumps-will help push the teeth to their proper position.
This is all very stressful and disturbing since I’ve always had straight teeth. I never even needed braces. But this process is even more stressful for me in particular, since there could be a possibility of losing teeth anyway, due to the rapid bone loss. This would include getting another implant (I have two).
My dental terror goes all the way back to about 2000, at age 30 when I went in for a routine cleaning and wanted a front tooth polished to attend my brother’s wedding. The dentist ended up mutilating the tooth, and the SF Dental Board reviewed my case and the dentist had to pay for the implant. It was $10,000, took two years to do and I had to attend my brother’s wedding wearing a flipper-denture. No one knew.
In 2017 I experienced an impacted tooth at the back of my mouth – lower- that became infected and caused an infection in my my bone. SF Oral Surgery replaced the infected bone and gave me another implant on my lower back tooth. (Thousands of dollars by the way). Three years later, in 2020, after moving to Pittsburgh, a local dentist took x-rays and it showed healthy bone structure and things were healing nicely.
My first implant, twenty years later was showing signs of wear so the crown needed to be replaced. The implant is the screw that goes into a bone and the crown is then placed over the screw – the implant crown is porcelain and after 20 years porcelain needs to be replaced.
It was eventually replaced in Pittsburgh, where I live now, in 2022, but I don’t like the looks of it so that Pittsburgh dentist who replaced my original front tooth porcelain crown agreed to do a new one. When he was getting ready to re-do the crown, he noticed my lower teeth were jutting out and spacing, and it seemed odd since my upper mouth is perfectly straight and teeth are strong and in good condition. It also seems odd since in 2020 the bone in my lower mouth was healthy and showed no signs of bone loss.
This is where the Orthodontist comes in and she recommended Invisalign in order to move my lower teeth back into place over the course of the next two years and as soon as that process is complete, the replacement implant crown can be replaced.
It’s during this 2 year period that I can really only eat once a day and it’s difficult to talk properly or effectively with these plastic trays in my mouth.
So, I have to ask myself what happened in such a short amount of time that my lower teeth area would suddenly experience such rapid bone loss? The bone was fine in 2020 but in 2022, I’ve had periodontists, general dentists and even the orthodontist say the level of bone loss is typically experienced over a lifetime, not in just one year’s time.
What happened??
Was it EMF? Is it my fault somehow? I’ve always taken care to supplement with calcium, D and K and no other part of my body is experiencing bone loss, so what in the world could it be?
Like millions of people and Americans over the last few years, I experienced a sudden alarming shift or change in my body. This sudden rise in anomalous healthcare issues have plagued bodies since the onset of the Covid shot and even those who have not imbibed any injectables at all are also being affected somehow.
Moving forward in the Covid narrative, I’d like to believe that enough people are walking away from the Covid shot, its toxic boosters and I’d like to think the transmission of the biologic into the non-inoculated has begun to disappear or at least lose its dangerous virulency. But, like me many are held hostage to some sort of medical care intervention as a result of either imbibing the countermeasure itself or being around people who have imbibed it.
So, it’s not ending. Is it? It’s continuing to do its damage to the population even if the entire process is halted, whether through legal mechanisms or simply through disinterest.
When willful harm is initiated onto an innocent population, the criminals make enormous profit. Typically the victims of this willful harm feel angry, frustrated or suffer from depression or lose the will to live. Healthy, vibrant young people are now bedridden, possibly for life, labeled as invalids collecting disability and have lost their vivacious lives as a result of this willful harm. People like me, who are struggling to make ends meet to begin with, are being forced into expensive procedures that insurance simply doesn’t cover because Invisalign for example, is considered cosmetic. And, worse yet, it may not even be the solution.
When I told my story to a friend who lives overseas, she mentioned she went through something similar years ago, long before the Covid situation was foisted upon us. She said she had bone loss over years but ignored her shifting teeth, didn’t do anything about it and eventually lost her teeth.
Surprisingly, though, I’m not that frustrated or depressed over it, nor am I in anguish over the recent diagnosis. But, ask me in a couple years when there’s a possibility of another implant, and more money I don’t have. My rational and calm reaction to what is happening right now may change. But for now, I’m fine.
With the popularity of my recent video work and The New Model series my husband and I worked so hard on , I think I have some emotional integrity around the situation through examination, listening to people who mirror my worldview and a willingness to hear what people who operate outside my worldview might have to say. If I hadn’t listened to everyone I wouldn’t be in that solid emotional place I am in right now.
The last few years have been a whirlwind of various personalities, some authentic, some manufactured and I’ve had to take extra caution to make sure that these personalities don’t cause more harm than good as we continue to move forward in this Covid narrative. I have been there for quite a few people, extending myself out to others, carrying their burdens, available for them day and night and now, unfortunately I cannot be there for them anymore. I can’t even talk comfortably and with these tight trays in my mouth, I have severe headaches and a slow dull constant ache in my teeth from the ever so slight shifting.
But, moving forward in the Covid narrative there must be a sort of fall-off, a disconnect from the narrative itself. Keeping an eye on the value of where the legal system may (or may not) prevail is probably a good idea, but to remain loyal to the very systems that have destroyed bodies and minds and functional economies over the years is a perilous decision. As I’ve always said, we must learn how to operate within these systems without being affected by them, and create systems-within-systems in order to get the care or help we need without depending on the cannibalizing traits of the larger system that has already proven itself to be monstrous and unforgiving toward the human race.
This will require an enormous amount of risk, strength, stamina and resolve and it requires those brave enough to show their teeth and face even more adversities yet to come.
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Thank you, Julie, for your brutal honesty and intelligence, both cerebral and emotional. A true light beater. Love what you have created and shared.💕💕💕